Sunday, January 11, 2009

100% Natural v2.0

hmm...where to start.

Circa 2004, I had an epiphany. I hate my hair. My hair was relaxed and constantly breaking\shedding. It never grew past neck length and so I thought, "This is as long as my hair will ever be." I mean, I flat-ironed it everyday and never moisturized as it would interfere my hair's body. I washed it a few days a week, blow-dried it, and never deep conditioned. Dear hair gods, large and small, what could be the problem? I didn't really have a hairstylist, so I would borrow a friend's stylist but never settled on one person. I was completely outdone with the relaxing process - can't scratch your scalp before your perm - can't wash your hair after the perm. So I decided to stop perming altogther. This was one of the best decisions I ever made.

For a few months, I let my hair grow. I didn't know it...but I was "transitioning." Yes, there's actually a name for it but I was unaware. Simply, I was letting my hair grow and refusing to relax. I transitioned for about three months, then visited a stylist who cut off all the relaxed ends. Adding to the things that I didn't know, this is called a "big chop." I called it "hell of devastation." Despite how much I hated my relaxed hair, cutting all my hair minus 1" was completely devastating. In an instant, I had a new self-image to address and I didn't like it. I felt completley unsexy. So what did I do? I immediately got braids.

I wore braids and two-strand twists for about a year (2005). They were a pleasant diversion. When I took them down, I would look at my hair.,..devastation was still winning but it was growing. Finally, I stopped wearing braids and twists and started rocking a 'fro. ok...going to work with a TWA takes courage. I felt like the new kid in school who sits alone in the cafeteria because they have no friends. So many looks and negative comments. Again, I'm dealing with a new self-image and here comes the disparaging comments. Misery loves company. Just because your cup runneth over with misery doesn't mean you can share with me. *thick skin enters stage right*

Over time, I started to love my hair! It took time but it was sincere. I loved how thick and dense it was. I loved the coils and the curls. I loved the randomness. I loved that I had to "work" to reach my scalp. But I didn't love my hair in the morning. At night, I was tie my hair down and in the morning, my hair would morph into this...mound of tightly packed kinky\curly\coily nightmare. There was no combing it...I had to wash it to re-shape it for work. After a year, I started researching options for loosening my hair's natural texture so that omit the daily shampoos. Ultimately, I found product that loosens the hair while allowing it to still be kinky. The only problem, this was a chemical treatment. *first setback enter stage left*

Once the chemical treatment was applied, I was immediately remorseful. What have I done?! Three years of a chem-free hair, I now have a low-grade perm. Are you kidding me? Arrrgh!! After the perm was applied, I see that my hair is still kinky\coily but it feels very diiferent. No longer thick and dense as I was accustomed. I no longer need to dig for my scalp. And as if this wasn't bad enough, I had my hair highlighted a few months later. *downstage center*

Feeling pseudo-natural, I made the most of it. Rocked a "pony-puff" almost daily...a feat I wasn't able to do before. No longer needed to shampoo or co-wash everyday. Thank you. But my hair wasn't thriving. When I would detangle, I would leave so much (too much) hair in the comb. My hair growth seemed stunted and the color made it worse. I hated my hair. I HATED MY HAIR! The same coif that I loved to run my fingers through feeling all the waves, curls, and coils was now thin and breaking. I wanted to be natural again - 100% natural - not this texlax stuff. No perm, no hair dye...just my unprocessed hair the way it used to be.

On May 16, 2008, I had a second a "big chop." Once again, I had all my hair cut off sans 1" and it was equally devastating the second time around. I vowed this time, however, to be approach my hair differently and be smarter. I had to learn from previous mistakes and this was my new starting point. I started "lurking" on a host of hair boards and ultimately joining one learning how other naturals approached their hair. Of course, going through this phase led to some "product junki-ism" but I think that's part of the process! Currently, I've accepted daily co-washes as a part of my morning routine and it's no longer an issue. I think once my hair gets longer, I'll no longer need to do this. Which brings me to this point - growth aids. If it says it will grow hair, I'll probably buy it and use it. When I was texlax'd, I was used to tossy my kinky-coif into a puff and heading out the door. I want this back and to get there (quickly), I use a variety of growth aids. If it's made for a vaginal yeast infection but grows hair, gimme it! If it's made for horses and won't cause me to nay, bring it! With reason, I'm willing to do a lot of things to grow hair quickly.

Conditioner. I'm a complete conditioner whore. There's nothing better than finding the perfect conditioner for your hair. ehh...ok, there are lots of things better than finding the perfect conditioner for your hair but I'll keep this G-rated. A good conditioner forgives a lot so I keep my conditioner close.

This brings me to today. Today, I love my hair. I put much more time and effort into my hair than I did previously. It's thick and has elasticity. I'm continuing to learn what my hair likes and dislikes and we have a happy co-existence. I enjoy meeting other naturals - not solely for exchanging hair tips but because we all have a similar story. Although my hair is still short (~6"), I'm excited to see what it will look like in a year! I appreciate my hair and while not everyone will like it, I completely love it.
*end scene*

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