Monday, December 1, 2008

Why So Sebaceous? be filled with sebum.

A few years ago, I noticed a "pimple" on my back. It was larger than most but wasn't painful. Periodically, I would squeeze it but it was just there...idle. Aside from being unpretty, I thought, "This is something I'm going to have to explain one day." It was about the size of an egg that had been cut in half lengthwise and placed under the skin. It was firm and lived in my bra-line. We had an amicable relationship. I walked on my side of the street.

Fast forward about five years, my "pimple" recently woke-up and became painful. Initially, I thought, "My dormant pimple has a pimple. It'll go away." Tisk, wayward "pimple" had different plans. Not only was it painful, but it changed shaped and became soft. I had a friend look at it and after cross-referencing WebMD, she says, "You have a sebaceous cyst." A sebaceous cyst?! And according to WebMD, I'm just a dirty girl. Blocked sweat glands and dead skin cells are NOT what little girls are made of.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 1pm: I have an appointment at a local surgical center to have the cyst drained. Easy enough...I do a bit of research and I'm not concerned. I arrive at the surgical center, complete the paperwork, and wait my turn. My name is called (Yay, I did it!) and I proceed to the back. The doctor comes in, numbs the area, and commences cyst drainage. It was a little painful but not enough to claim a sick day. The doctors instructs me to change the dressing daily and shower twice a day allowing water hit my back and naturally clean the area.

Thursday, November 27, 2008: Thanksgiving Day. Umm, no shower.

Friday, November 28, 2008: My former cyst site is burning a bit...perhaps I should shower and change the dressing? It's amazing how little things can make you feel like a kid again because I felt like I needed my mommy (that's a different blog). I removed the old dressing and hopped into the shower. After my shower, I peeked at my back and it was icky. I had a hole in my back! OMG, it was completely ugly and still tender. No stitches. No liquid bandage - just a hole and it's so ugly.

Later on, a friend came over and dressed it (God love her) but the dressing came off and perhaps it was for the best. It's still ugly but the site seems to have dried out a bit. Now, in addition to being ugly, it's any other sore or tattoo. I'm on the mend but this will require lots of cocoa butter!

So boys and girls, the moral of this story is wash your back. Wash it long and hard to lessen the likelihood of sebum filled sacs assembling on your back. Wash your back with the same zip and enthusiasm as you would any other part of your body *ahem.*

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